13 Shocking Facts About Marketing That You Must Know!

Here are some really interesting facts about marketing.

Fact # One Highest Marketing Budget

Samsung had the largest marketing budget in history, whooping $14bn in 2013 (1). That number is equal to the total time elapsed since the big bang when Universe began to exist.

Highest Marketing Budget in History

Fact # Two Marketing & CMO

According to a study average lifespan of a Chief Marketing Officer with a firm is just over two years (2).

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Fact # Three Global Marketing Spending

Over $1 trillion is spent on marketing globally. That is five percent of total spending on conflicts in 2015 ($20 trillion) (3)(4).
marketing spendings

Fact # Four Effective Marketing Channels Worldwide

According to a research the following five marketing channels are the most effective marketing channels worldwide (5).
1.      SEO Marketing (according to 48% Marketers worldwide)
2.      Events & Trade Shows (E&TS) (according to 47% Marketers worldwide)
3.      Social Media Marketing (according to 42% Marketers worldwide)
4.      Targeting & Integration (T&I) via Marketing analytics (according to 34% Marketers worldwide)
5.      Traditional television advertising (according to 32%  Marketers worldwide)

Most Effective Marketing Channel Worldwide

Fact # Five Marketing & Direct Sales

According to a research, out of all marketing techniques, approaches direct sales is the most effective way to increase sales, to deal effectively with customers (6).

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Fact # Six Cause Marketing & 2015

Investment in cause marketing is expected to reach $1.92 billion in 2015, a 3.7% increase from the previous year (7).

Fact # Seven Paid Media Spending Worldwide (2015-2018 projections)

According to a research conducted by emarketer paid media spending will reach (8)
  • 574.18 billion in 2015 (5.3% change from previous year)
  • 604.77 billion in 2016 (5.3% change from previous year)
  • 633.85 billion in 2017 (4.8% change from previous year)
  • 662.73 billion in 2018 (4.6% change from previous year)

Paid Media Spending Worldwide

And according to the same research the top five countries (in the entire world) that spend far more per person in terms of paid media are as follow (along with projections 2016-2018).

Country-wise Paid Media Spending Per Person

Fact # Eight Green Marketing & World

Well according to a research only 10% of the whole world population makes environment friendly purchases, which means green marketing still needs to achieve a lot in terms of its goals and objectives to save the planet! (9)

Green Marketing Impact Worldwide

Fact # Nine High Paying Marketing Jobs (10)

High Payng Marketing Jobs

Fact # Ten Marketing Cost & Product Introduction

Large companies spend between $10 million to $200 million in terms of marketing during the first year of product introduction. (11)

Product Introduction Stage Marketing Cost

Fact # Eleven Marketing Future

“Marketing’s future is not a function of business, but is the function of business”. (12)

Fact # Twelve Marketing & Pricing

According to a research Managers find pricing the most difficult marketing decision. (13)

Fact # Thirteen Marketing Professionals, Advertising & Sales

Marketing professionals are often uncertain of how their efforts in advertising can result in increase in sales (that means next time you need to objectively verify claims of a marketing professional when it comes to sales and advertising) (14)

That's it, don't forget to subscribe, over to you guys!


1.       http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/27/us-samsung-marketing-idUSBRE9AQ18720131127

2.       http://cmosurvey.org/blog/managerial-discretion-and-cmo-value/

3.       http://www.mckinsey.com/client_service/marketing_and_sales/expertise/marketing_return_on_investment

4.       http://m.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11467500

5.       http://www.statista.com/statistics/324654/effctive-marketing-channels/

6.       “The Event Marketing Mix” page 86; Promoting & Marketing Events 1st edition by Nigel Jackson.

7.       http://www.causemarketingforum.com/site/c.bkLUKcOTLkK4E/b.6449067/k.71C8/IEG_Sponsorship_Report.htm

8.       http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Global-Ad-Spending-Growth-Double-This-Year/1010997

9.       http://convoagency.com/green-marketing-analysis-research-facts/

10.   http://career-advice.monster.com/salary-benefits/salary-information/high-paying-marketing-jobs/article.aspx

11.   Philip Kotler & Gary Armstrong, Principles of Marketing, 9ed.,New York: Prentice Hall 2000.

12.   Moorman, C. and Rust, R.T. (1999), “The role of marketing”, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63, pp. 180-97 (special Issue).

13.   Dolan, R.J. and Simon, D. (1996), Power Pricing: How Managing Price Transforms the Bottom Line, The Free Press, New York, NY.

14.   Herbert Jack Rotfeld, (2009),"The marketing myths and consumers' fear of marketing", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 26 Iss: 5 pp. 309 – 310

About Publisher Arshad Amin

Certified SEO Professional, Small Business, Start-up, Marketing Expert with ton's of practical, actionable ideas, insights to share, Proud Founder and Owner of www.easymarketinga2z.com and www.topexpertsa2z.com

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