Super Easy Way to Start Pharmacy Business in Pakistan!

Starting any business requires a great deal of effort, information, practical know-how and the same is the case with pharmacy business, you will need to consider many aspects before, during and after launching your business and this is what this article is about!

Pharmacy Business in Pakistan
In this not so boring article you will learn:
  1. Different pharmacy business models types, minimum-maximum initial investment required and return on that investment (ROI).
  2. I will be explaining pros & cons of each business model type and how can you increase ROI in each business types, plus I will also talk about important aspects of each business model type, aspects that are crucial to success of a given business model type.
  3. I will also show how you can launch and manage each business model type in a practical, efficient & effective manner, mentioning approximate resources using educated guess and my personal experience.
  4. I will also share how to fulfill legal requirements required by drug authority in Pakistan, to start a pharmacy business in Pakistan.

Note: Present September 2016, One gram gold value equals to 4400 Pakistani rupees, since gold value remains stable while currency value fluctuate thus we see hike/dip in gold price, therefore I will provide estimate of each business ideas in gold too, which will make estimates of this article valid even 100 years from now.

In a nutshell, by reading this article carefully with eyes popped out 😉, you will not only learn about the options that are available to you to invest in pharmacy business but will also gain good idea about resources needed and how much you are gonna make in profits by investing in a particular idea.

Not only that, you will also learn “no BS, NO beating around the bush, No boring theory” ;p but practical, actionable approach on how to launch and maintain a pharmacy business in Pakistan.

Note: I am using ROI or Return On Investment in kind of loose way, when I mention ROI, I mean net income for each rupee of total sales. For instance if I say such and such business has ROI between 40-60% then that would mean net income of 0.40 Pkr to 0.60 Pkr for each rupee of total sales in that particular business.

Okay now let’s get to it!

Well when it comes to starting business in Pakistan, the most profitable business in my opinion is that of medicine.

Note: If you are searching for more super cools business ideas then you must read this one too 30 Business Ideas for Pakistani Market with incredible ROI

From meeting with hundreds of retailers, wholesalers, distributors in medicine field I learned one thing that is, there is tremendous amount of return on investment (ROI) in medicine.

Consider the following table:

Business Model Type
Initial Investment (in minimum to maximum range)
ROI (min-max range)
Retail Pharmacy
5 Lakh-25 Lakh 
Wholesale Medicine
5 Lakh-1 Caror 
Distributor Medicine
5 Lakh-3 Caror

Initial investment for Retail Pharmacy in gold is 113 to 566 grams, for Wholesale Medicine is 113 to 2266 grams of gold, for Distributor is 113 to 6800 grams of gold.

Retail Pharmacy Business

As you can see, return on investment is superb in retail pharmacy business, but the problem here is, your sales are usually not that immense and so even though you get great return on investment still you don’t make that much in profits.

Sales in medicine retail business depends on the following things:

  1. Location: If location is good, like somewhere around a hospital then sales will be immense and so return on investment will be awesome!
  2.  Discounts: If you offer discounts that most of your competitors don’t then in the long run (1-4 years) word of mouth marketing will help your business and so you will see a steady increase in sales in the long run.
  3.  Variety: Your sales will increase if you have great product variety. So don’t even think about making some good money by just having flagyl, disprin, calpol on the shelf ;p. You need more than that!
  4.  Relationship with doctors: How about having few doctors that write a prescription that is only available with you (winks!) that is what most of these pharmacies do (sadly), giving a certain percentage of their sales to doctors and these “Qasabs” ops! I mean doctors write prescriptions that are available only with them.

Okay, when I mentioned the initial investment as 5 lakh, that doesn't mean, it is something you must have, you can start even with lesser amount but that depends on one thing, how smart you are when it comes to business, investments and all that.

If you are some genius, you will know how to manage things like having easy credit terms with your suppliers, thus buying on credit, making some deal with the guy whom property you have rented, convincing him that you will pay half rent for the time being or full rent after a certain date.

Being able to do multitasking can also cut down the initial investment cost, like managing store inventory, managing customers and managing your outlet accounts & finance and being able to make a good hot cup of “chai or coffee” when multi tasking takes its toll ;p.

The bottom line is, some people can start a medicine retail business in 5 lakh or even lesser while others (stupid people ;p or not so smart people to put it mildly) can’t start it even with 25 lakh, in other words business acumen matters a lot!

Starting & Managing Retail Pharmacy Business

First you will need a good computer software that can keep record of your outlet overall financial transactions, dealings, accounts, sales, profits, expenses, net profits, growth etc.

You can find such software by simply meeting with a medicine retailer who is using such a software and asking them where did they get it.

Second, you will need (at least) one guy to manage customers, like I said you can do that on your own if you are good in multi tasking and one guy to manage sales, accounts, that computer software.

If you are good at multi tasking, you can start with you and one more guy, both of you should be more than enough!

You will need to pay that guy at least 10 thousand pkr per month or more to keep him working for you.

Third, you will need to pay rent, utility bills etc, so if you are one smart guy, you can convince the other party, which in this case would be your landlord to give you free electricity, water or charge you nominally for all of that, that will save you from having your own electric meter, saving you good amount of money.

And if you are really smart, it is likely that you will convince your landlord to pay him nothing or half a rent for certain amount of time, again saving substantial amount of money.

Fourth, you will need to have a good credit policy with your drug suppliers, making sure that you can achieve the required sales in the amount of time, relaxation given to you by your drugs suppliers!

Now, I know many readers of this article would be novices with no idea on how to run business, how manage the whole business thing, from its finances to its human resources to that dreadful marketing!

Well, don’t worry ;) I have a super fix, that will make you a super genius in running any type of business with ease and efficiency you can’t imagine!, read this in-depth article I want to start a business but I have fears! which will teach you practically how to manage the whole business thingy, covering all of its aspects (finance, marketing, human resource) efficiently & effectively.

Okay now let’s talk about the second medicine business model.

Wholesale Medicine Business

Here ROI is way less than Retail pharmacy but still, you can earn far more than retail because here sales exceeds sales from retail pharmacy by quite a great margin.

Here you sell, supply to retail pharmacies all over, though it takes time to really start earning some serious money in wholesale, if you already have relationships in the market, been working in the market for like few years, then the ROI in wholesale will be immediate but if you are totally novice or new to this whole wholesale thingy then it will take around 1-2 years to get some serious return on investment.

Higher ROI or Increase in Sales in wholesale can be achieved by:

  1. Relationships with target retailers: you will need to make rich, win win relationships with your target retailers, that could well take time, from months to several years, depending on how good you are at it. The more relationships you have, the more opportunities you will have to make sales thus higher return on investment.
  2.  More Investment=More ROI: The more you invest in your wholesale business the more you will be able to earn, now by the more investment I don’t mean buying xyz, local drug companies products, though such products do offer far greater ROI but most of the time such products have very small, tight niche and thus you can’t make much of sales unless you have retailers from all over the region.
  3. So what I mean by More Investment=More ROI is, to invest in multinational drug companies products, the more you have of those companies, the more you will be able to sell and thus higher ROI, as we all know multinational drug brands tend to have healthy market demand and thus the potential for higher return on investment is substantial.
  4. Location of your wholesale outlet: If you really want to earn some serious money then try to get your wholesale business started in some place that is well known as a hub for wholesale drug business, this is something really important, as then you won’t have to worry about getting clients as location is well known.

All you will need is to setup a cool outlet with some impressive, creative advertising, marketing strategy like having a different outlet mark, exterior, billboard then the rest of the market, do something that makes your wholesale outlet stand out from the crowd, be careful that “something” shouldn’t be something that harms your brand image.

Make sure that you have optimum product variety because once a party comes to you to buy and you haven’t it, it is such a turnoff to be honest and most of such clients won’t come to you for months later on.

Second make sure you know what price to quote to your target clients, what your competitors are quoting to them, what else they are offering to them, what credit policies they have etc etc all of this plays in the equation of getting higher return on your investment, so make sure you get all of these things right.

In case you don’t know, I will suggest that before you go for investing, spend at least 3-6 months with someone that is running such a business model type successfully, learn from them and then decide.

This way you will learn most of the tricks of the trade along with almost the whole trade itself, making you smart enough to avoid mistakes, errors that can harm your business seriously!

Starting & Managing Wholesale Medicine Business

Well, there is a legal aspect to drugs business, which I thought I would mention in the end of this article, but I think that won’t be wise, there are certain, specific legal requirements that you have to fulfill if you want to start a drug business in Pakistan, be it retail, wholesale, distribution.

So once you read this article, check this article by PCDA (click on this) that mentions legal requirements you need to fulfill to start a drug business in Pakistan. You will also learn from this article how to fulfill these legal requirements.

And if that above link is broken then check this link for legal requirements.

You will have to fulfill those legal requirements if you want to start drug business in Pakistan.

Okay now let’s get back to starting and managing wholesale Medicine Business.

First you will need, is a computer software, just like one you need in retail pharmacy business to keep record of your finances, accounts, sales etc.

Second you will need at least one guy to manage clients and you or one more guy to supervise while one to get supplies from your suppliers, warehouse and one to manage warehouse.

You can cut down the need for having a warehouse manager by having warehouse somewhere near, around your wholesale outlet.

Third you will need a vehicle to get supplies from suppliers, from warehouse to your wholesale outlet, for that again you will need a driver, again if warehouse is near, around your wholesale outlet, you won’t probably need a driver then.

Fourth you will have to give full time, focus to your wholesale business (even to your retail business too!), you won’t be able to relax much if you want your business grow, though you can hire a trust worthy guy that act on your behalf in your absence, but then that would mean increasing the operating cost of your business further.

Fifth you will need to pay utility bills, rent etc on monthly basis along with salaries to the guys you hired, this will be around 20-50 thousand Pkr per month or more depending your operating expenses and other variables involved.

Sixth you will also need to deal with pesky drug inspectors who at times would want you to bribe them because that's the ugly business culture of Pakistan, so make sure you know what drug business mistakes can make you an easy target for drug inspectors and how to avoid them.

Seventh, there will be clients who won’t pay you on time or would want you to just forget about your money, so you need to be really careful in initial days of your business in making deals with your clients that you can afford in case things go awry!

Once you gain experience, knowledge about market, clients, you will know how to deal with such specific clients.

Medicine Distribution Business

Here ROI is always slightly greater (in percentage) than wholesale due to the fact that you act as a company distributor, that slight difference in percentage actually results in far more profit, ROI than wholesale, retail medicine business.

Again here sales volume matter, sales volume in distribution business is fairly large than that of wholesale simply because you are the company sole authorized distributor in a given region and so you alone can sell the company products in that region, that kind of gives you monopoly in the market.

Distribution also gives you reasonable leverage in sales, as being sole distributors you don’t need to worry about the clients, your sales are always healthy unless you are distributing products of a local, newly started drug company or brand, as such brands have very small niches with not much growth potential.

That is why I stated the initial investment cost of distribution being equal to that of wholesale, you can get a local, newly started drug company distribution easily with that much amount, buying certain percentage on cash and certain percentage on credit and voila you become a distributor!

The real money in medicine distribution lies in the philosophy of investing huge amount of money in a multinational brand, thus acquiring their distribution and making huge gains in terms of ROI.

Things that matter in having a successful drug distribution business are:

Location: Although location carries same importance as in case of wholesale and retail medicine business but if you are a sole distributor of a multinational brand, with healthy market demand, in a given region then location doesn’t really matter.

Although it is wise to have your outlet location at such a place which is easily accessible and since you will be the sole dealer, the clients will come anyway.

But such distributions are hard to achieve as they demand hell of a money to be invested in.

Relationship with Company, Wholesalers, Retailers: Relationships plays a vital role too, especially when you are having distribution of a company that isn’t that well known, having low product demand, in that case you will need rich, beneficial relationships with your target clients to get the job done, to get that healthy ROI.

Read this interesting article on how to develop & manage business relationships.

Relationship with your supplier, brand you are having distribution rights for, is also key, having healthy relationships will get you far more flexible credit policy from the company and at times will result in special discounts, other perks that you may haven’t have if such relationships weren’t there. 

Annoying Distributors, Wholesalers, Retailers: yes they do exist, world is full of them and they will make you hate your life!

Distributors become annoying when they start selling products to your target clients, in your region, to which only you are supposed to have sole right.

Wholesalers, retailers become annoying when they start to dealing with other region distributors instead of you, this is something that can hurt your ROI.

The good thing is if your company really cares about her distributors, she won’t allow such things to happen but again its Pakistan and most of the time its not the case, trust me!

So you need to be really vigilant about this, at times you won’t be able to completely stop it but you can minimize the damage by talking to the company in a language that she understand.

Such situations are more common in local Pakistani drug manufacturing companies compared to multinational brands.

Make sure before going for distribution, the distribution contract document account for such violations, damages and bound the company and its distributor to not violate such terms and conditions.

That means thoroughly reading and understanding the distribution contract document of the company before signing on it!

The company may also provide special benefits, perks to certain distributors, make sure you know the reasons behind such actions and if such reasons are “justified reasons”.

Starting & Managing Medicine Distribution Business

Like I said in the beginning it requires huge investment unless you want to get your entrepreneurial career launched with mediocre local company based in Pakistan.

You will need the following things:

1.      Computer software + a reliable heavy duty computer to keep record of your financial dealings with your company, your wholesalers, retailers, your overall sales, growth, accounts, inventory, supplies etc

2.      At least one (and maximum 3 or more depending on your needs) vehicles to make supplies to your clients and at times to pick supplies from your company (also warehouse) when they can’t manage it, it happens quite a lot in case of local companies especially newly started ones.

3.      One guy to manage finance, accounts, one to manage to human resource that you hired like client dealers, territory managers, territory suppliers, drivers, warehouse manager , marketing staff (in rare cases) etc.

4.      You will need to make up for fuel expenses, salaries, utility bills, rents, operational costs, expenses, food or mess expenses etc, so make sure either you have a capable guy that manages all these expenses or you have to learn how to manage the whole thing effectively.

That’s it!

Janay se pehlay ek piyar bhari baat zoror suneyay! Allah apka bhala kry ga 😄 and that "Piyar bhari baat" is as follow!

My dear, as you have read, I provided practical, actionable insights on how to start and manage pharmacy business in Pakistan, if you want more such practical and detailed stuff like that, that you can utilize in your day to day business activities then subscribe to this cute little not so boring website of mine 😉

It takes just a second.

So do subscribe! 😉

Over to you guys, any questions, do let me know!

About Publisher Arshad Amin

Certified SEO Professional, Small Business, Start-up, Marketing Expert with ton's of practical, actionable ideas, insights to share, Proud Founder and Owner of and


  1. kindly tell me all information about retail pharmacy....
    precautions...investment....requirements....licence....and details if we make contract with well known pharmacy just like mehmood or clinix etc

    1. Hi there, glad you asked me about that.

      Now let me give you a little explanation regarding your question

      When it comes to precautions in pharmacy, you need to keep certain things in mind:

      1. to be well aware of your whole pharmacy stock details, accounting & managment methods
      2. to be well aware of any legal requirements pertaining different aspects of the business, that includes but not limited to licensing, legit medicine with verified registration number, expiry etc
      3. to be well aware of market pricing of a given medicine that you are offering at your outlet so that your suppliers don't overcharge or give you fake items for lower price.
      4. to be well aware of any and all illegal practices that may put you and your business in legal hot waters.
      5. to be well aware of the risks you would carry when it comes to partnerships, contracts.
      6. to be well aware of not investing in just one medicine brand rather to diversify your investment so you and your business can survive incase of some trouble with that particular brand, now this doesn't mean to invest in every available medicine brand rather to consider the demand, competition, brand policies etc of a given brand in your region.

      Coming to investment, you can start from as little as 5 lac plus credit of 5 lac but that depends on your experience, relation with your suppliers, their payments, credit policies etc, although my suggestion would be to start from half of the investment of the total investment capacity you have so that you can not only see where it will go in the future, to test your business, your and your sales staff capacity, actual market demand etc.

      Now if you have someone who has spend over five years in the medicine field and you can trust that guy or you hired one to look after your investment and all that and you have spend at least three to six months (which is really important) in the medicine field then do as what seems sound, you can go with your gut feeling.

      For license I have already mentioned link, check that link out.

      Coming to contract part, my personal suggestion would be to either make contract with the help of an expert business lawyer or with the help of someone who has been in the industry for at least 10 years, that will help you in making a contract which will be beneficial to both parties, positively adding more to your side.

      Remember: You must spent at-least 3-6 months in the business with those who are successfully running the business in your area, so that you not only understand what will be required of you in terms of:

      1. investment,
      2. accounting & management,
      3. sales,
      4. relationship with suppliers,
      5. understanding of the brands that will give you maximum return, brands that will not give you maximum return but are necessary to have because of market demand,
      6. legal aspects, requirements etc

      Hope this little info helps, plus I will recommend you to read this article to get a full idea of how to practically and successfully run a business, check


      Arshad Amin

      Sales & Marketing Manager

      Human Care Laboratories

  2. i m sorry to disturb you,,, kindly tell me whats better to take licence on rent or get own licence by giving axams,,... and is required or

    1. Hi there, good to have you here!

      Kindly check the second link I provided for legal requirements in the article, the first link was broken due to website update, hope that link answers your question, although there are many things required to run pharmacy but having or, anyone of these two will do it.

      hope this helps, let me know if you have further questions, cheers!

    2. Hello there hope this text finds you in good mood!
      Would you please give me some busines ideas small startups?

    3. Hi there, I have already shared over 40 startups ideas, do check them out, in future I will be sharing more.

      Hope this helps, thanks for visiting, don't forget to subscribe!

  3. What are the Legal requirements for running Pharmacy?
    D-Pharm Certified can run Pharmacy?

    1. Hey there, glad you have that question, actually the link I provided to PCDAPAK.COM has been broken due to link website update, kindly check the following link for legal requirements.

      Coming to the second question, yes D-Pharm certified can run pharmacy.

      Hope this helps, good luck with your business and if you have any other problems with regards to your business let me know plus I have shared over 50 business ideas with all essential aspects of each idea covered, so check those out too.

      Have a great day!


  4. Salam bro hope you would be fine.My question is about distribution of any multinational med company.suggest mr any good company whom i can approach and what is the they hold any security or what are their equirments please tell in detail.Thank you

    1. Hello Ibtehaj, I can give you a general guide line on how to approach multinational medicine companies for distribution in Pakistan.

      Research and Identify Potential Companies: Conduct thorough research to identify multinational medicine companies that have a presence in Pakistan and are open to distribution partnerships. Look for companies that have a product portfolio that aligns with your business goals and target market.

      Contact the Company: Reach out to the selected companies through their official channels, such as their website, email, or phone number. Introduce your business and express your interest in becoming a distributor for their products in Pakistan.

      Proposal and Business Plan: Prepare a comprehensive proposal and business plan to showcase your capabilities, including your experience in pharmaceutical distribution, your understanding of the local market, your distribution network, and your marketing strategies. Highlight your strengths and how you can contribute to the company's growth and market presence in Pakistan.

      Meeting and Negotiation: If the company expresses interest, they may request a meeting to discuss the partnership further. Be prepared to answer their questions, provide more details about your operations, and negotiate terms and conditions, such as pricing, territories, marketing support, and order volumes.

      Due Diligence and Requirements: The multinational medicine company will likely conduct due diligence to assess your credibility, financial stability, infrastructure, and regulatory compliance. They may request documents such as company registration certificates, financial statements, licenses, and other relevant information.

      Security Deposit or Performance Bond: Some companies may require a security deposit or performance bond as part of the distribution agreement. This is done to ensure commitment and compliance with the agreed-upon terms and conditions. The specific requirements for a security deposit or performance bond will be outlined in the negotiation process.

      Agreement and Contract: Once both parties agree on the terms and conditions, a distribution agreement or contract will be drafted. It will outline the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of both parties, including product pricing, payment terms, marketing support, exclusivity, termination clauses, and any other specific arrangements.

      Ongoing Relationship: After signing the distribution agreement, you will work closely with the multinational medicine company to receive product shipments, manage inventory, handle distribution logistics, and market their products effectively in Pakistan. Regular communication and collaboration will be important to maintain a successful partnership.

      It's important to note that each multinational medicine company may have its own specific requirements and processes for selecting distributors. The best approach is to research and contact the companies directly to understand their specific procedures, requirements, and any security or financial obligations they may have.

      Additionally, consult legal and industry experts to ensure that you understand and comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and licensing requirements related to pharmaceutical distribution in Pakistan.

  5. Hey there if I want to start my own pharmacy but have no knowledge in it how can I learn all about pharmacy and how it works yes I will have a few workers who have specialized in this field but having basic knowledge myself should also be helpful any courses or books?

  6. This business tough now a days because of govt has made a lot of amendments in can not run it on a rented license.

  7. Sir @arshad Amin can I open a medical store on a rented license ?

  8. Need license on rent for medical store

    1. I have license to open pharmacy
      Contact if u still in need 03315397895

    2. I have pharmacy license if u r still in need

  9. Aoa. Sir can you tell me taht how can i apply for a pharmacy licence?

    1. Wa alaikum assalam.

      To apply for a pharmacy license in Pakistan, you will need to follow the guidelines and procedures set by the regulatory authorities. Here's a general overview of the process:

      Determine the Regulatory Authority: In Pakistan, the pharmacy licensing process is regulated by the Provincial Drug Regulatory Authorities (PDRA) in each province. The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) oversees the licensing process at the federal level.

      Contact the Respective Regulatory Authority: Identify the relevant PDRA or contact the DRAP, depending on your location and the scope of your pharmacy operations. Obtain the necessary contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses.

      Gather Required Documentation: Prepare the required documents and information for your license application. While specific requirements may vary by province or jurisdiction, the following documents are typically required:
      Application form (provided by the regulatory authority)
      Company registration documents (e.g., certificate of incorporation, memorandum of association, and articles of association)
      Premises details (e.g., lease agreement or ownership documents, layout plan, and photographs)
      Pharmacy layout and infrastructure details (e.g., storage facilities, equipment, fixtures)
      Qualified Person for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV) details, if applicable
      List of medicines to be stocked and distributed
      Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for pharmacy operations
      Qualified pharmacist's details and qualification certificates
      NOC (No Objection Certificate) from the respective Pharmacy Council

      Application Submission: Complete the application form and attach all the required documents. Submit the application along with the prescribed fee to the regulatory authority through the designated process. It is recommended to keep copies of all submitted documents for your records.

      Inspection and Evaluation: After the submission of your application, the regulatory authority will conduct an inspection of your premises to assess compliance with the relevant regulations. They will evaluate factors such as infrastructure, storage facilities, record-keeping systems, and compliance with Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) guidelines.

      Approval and License Issuance: If your application and premises meet the necessary standards and comply with the regulations, the regulatory authority will approve your license application. Upon approval, you will be issued a pharmacy license, allowing you to legally operate a pharmacy.

      Renewal and Compliance: Pharmacy licenses are usually issued for a specific duration, typically one to three years. You will need to renew your license before it expires by following the renewal process outlined by the regulatory authority. Additionally, ensure ongoing compliance with the regulations, including maintaining proper storage conditions, accurate record-keeping, and adherence to the ethical and legal obligations of a pharmacy.

      It's important to note that the specific requirements and processes may vary slightly depending on the province or jurisdiction where you plan to establish your pharmacy. Therefore, it is advisable to contact the respective regulatory authority directly for detailed information and guidance regarding the pharmacy license application process in your specific location.

  10. i want to start a pharmacy in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, if somebody has a license, please let me know

  11. i want to know how to get distribution from pharma companies? there are no links to them on the websites

    1. Dear, there are couple of things before you go for distribution, first if you have like huge investment with you then just make a visit to any famous brand office, second if you cant afford huge investment but rather want to do something with 5-10 lakhs rupees then just visit new small-medium scale pharma companies in industrial zone near you and you will get your distribution, although I personally won't advise it, simple reason for that is, if you are new to this whole medicine thingy, you wont be able to locate the best product for your investment and even if you locate it, there is likelihood that you will miscalculate the risk carried with new brand which means you may not be able to earn the return you were hoping to get in the first place ... still nothing happens when you dont try your luck and doing something is better than doing nothing...fingers crossed!

  12. I want to know that how much should be the average investement to get the distribution of a multinational company like GSk or Abbott?

    1. Please reach GSK or Abbott via their proper official channels to get that kind of information, thanks.

  13. good effort Mr. Arshad, encouraging your suggestions in all aspects, i am also from Pharma Profession.
    Umer (Head of Supply Chain Servaid Pharmacy Lahore Head Office)

    1. Thank You Umer, thank you so much for your kind words!

    2. Hello umer sb. Can I reach you for some important query I have been trying to talk to any responsible person from your company.

  14. Sir can you tell me how much investment is required to start our own pharmaceutical company.

    1. Well in Pakistan you can start a low-end Pharmaceutical company with minimum investment of 20 million rupees while if you want to start Nutraceutical company, you can start a low-end company with investment of 2-5 million rupees.

      The variation in startup cost is due to variety of reasons like location, product line and depth, market you intend to capture in the beginning, types of products you want to launch etc.

  15. Aoa brother I want to ask, becoming sole distributor of a Iv Canula manufacturer, what are the odds in it. Even investing handsome amount in distribution. For example company it self brings the business and distributor will complete the supply chain but all recovery responsibility is on distributor. 1. On average how much hospitals pay the credit. 2. How to secure investment with the manufacturer

    1. Dear Mohammad Khan Shb, although the common wisdom is that, that if you work hard, you will succeed which is true to some extent when it comes to distribution of products to hospitals.

      But the truth is somewhat different, like in private hospitals you need to offer good discount to make your way through while in semi govt and govt hospitals you will need to pay certain percentage to every one, from tender acceptance (to relevant administration staff) down to accountant who will clear your bills.

      If you don't do that then you won't be able to clear your bills but if you do that you will get your bills cleared with relative ease.

      Coming to securing investment with the manufacturer, I could suggest writing all the terms and conditions on a stamp paper but I think its better if you hire an experienced industry or business lawyer for a more solid, 99.9% secure deal.

      Hope this helps!

  16. Aoa brother I want to ask, becoming sole distributor of a Iv Canula manufacturer, what are the odds in it. Even investing handsome amount in distribution. For example company it self brings the business and distributor will complete the supply chain but all recovery responsibility is on distributor. 1. On average how much hospitals pay the credit. 2. How to secure investment with the manufacturer

    1. Ws, IV Canula business has tremendous potential only if you can secure profitable deals with govt and private hospitals, to secure such deals you will need to use speed money, offering certain cut in profit to those who are legally responsible for approving your deals, hope you know what I mean...

      Coming to hospital paying credit, again it boils down to one single thing, that is, how much are you are willing to pay to the 'relevant authority/individual' to streamline your payment, because its pakistan and that is how it works here.

      Coming to securing investment with manufacturer, well in that case you may need to hire a good business lawyer to work out a best, secure deal for you with the other party or manufacturer.

      Hope this answered your question, don't forget to share and subscribe for more cool articles, suggestions, business ideas :-)

  17. Thank you so much Arshad Amin sahib!
    your information & Knowledge encouraged the public a lot, Being a Pharmacist it helped me alot.

  18. Sir can you guide me about fresh min investment requirement for retail pharmacy?

    1. Dear this article is evergreen in terms of investment requirements, profitability, ROI in different pharmacy business models, still if you want to be more precise please consider inflation rate when this article was published to present day and add that amount to given business model total required investment and you will get fresh investment requirement.

      For instance yearly inflation rate in Pakistan is 10% means todays one lakh will be worth 90 thousand rupees 12 months from now, so for instance this article has been published in 2018 and back then for instance retail pharmacy business total min investment required was 1 lakh rupees, means in 2021 you will need to add 30 thousand more to successfully start retail pharmacy business, so your total investment requirement in 2021 for retail pharmacy model is 1 lakh 30 thousand rupees.

      This whole thing that I just mentioned here, is for geeks, inflation alone can't be reasonable indicator of calculating fresh investment requirements, you may also need to have data on rupee vs dollar appreciation/depreciation, govt policies on medicine business, level of direct/indirect competition in the market, profitability vs risk ratio at present, location customer flow, poverty level in the country, etc etc all these factors also can increase or decrease the total required investment for any given business model type.

      In other words, if you have read the article you will know that I have mentioned it that to start any business one should (must) spend at least 3 to 6 months in that business model type, so for instance if you wanted to start retail pharmacy business in 2019, spending 3-6 months back then would have given you a reasonable idea of total required investment at that time likewise spending the same amount of time in 2021 will give you similar idea of how much at present you need to invest to successfully launch a retail pharmacy business.

      My personal bet is, it won't be any different than what I have already mentioned here.

      Hope this helps! :-)

  19. Aoa arshad bhai
    Kia aap mujhe bata sakte hain
    Keh pehle distribution ke liye jagga leni parregi ya is se pehle bhi aap compnay se baat kar sakte hain..ta keh apko pata to chale keh aap ko kown c product mil sakti hai aor kown c nahi
    Aor distribution me loss ka hatra to nahi hota?
    Distribution acha hai ya retail?
    50-60 lakh investment

    1. WS, nahi bhai, pehly jaga leni zaroori nahi albata location jahan pay app ne kaam krna he wo app ne company ko lazman batana he, phir unki policy py depend krta he keh wo oss jaga app ko distribution deti he keh nahi.

      company achi ho, brand level ki ho toh distribution mei koi khatra nahi, local companies mei hota he.

      Sorry for replying late, was a bit busy.

  20. kindly tell me all information about Pharmaceutical distribution setup....
    precautions...investment....requirements....licence....and details if we make contract with well known pharmacy just like mehmood or clinix etc

    1. Hello Anon,

      Thank for your time and thoughtful comment, coming to your question; setting up a pharmaceutical distribution setup involves several considerations, including precautions, investment, requirements, licenses, and contracting with well-known pharmacies. Here's an overview of the information you requested specifically for Pakistan:

      Ensure compliance with Good Distribution Practices (GDP) to maintain product quality and safety during transportation and storage.
      Implement proper temperature control systems to preserve the integrity of pharmaceuticals that require specific storage conditions.
      Adhere to proper handling, storage, and disposal procedures for pharmaceuticals to prevent contamination or tampering.
      Maintain proper inventory management systems to avoid stockouts or expired products.
      Follow all relevant legal and regulatory guidelines to ensure compliance.

      The investment required for a pharmaceutical distribution setup can vary depending on factors such as the scale of operations, infrastructure, technology, and logistics requirements.
      Consider expenses for acquiring or leasing warehouse space, purchasing temperature-controlled storage systems, setting up inventory management software, procuring vehicles for transportation, hiring staff, and marketing expenses.
      Conduct a thorough financial analysis and create a detailed business plan to estimate the investment required for your specific setup.

      Register your business with the appropriate government authorities, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) or relevant regional bodies.
      Obtain a Drug License from the Provincial Drug Regulatory Authority (PDRA) or the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) depending on the scope of your operations.
      Ensure compliance with the requirements outlined by the respective regulatory authorities, such as obtaining a Tax Identification Number (NTN), Sales Tax Registration Number (STRN), and National Tax Number (NTN).
      Follow guidelines for storage facilities, transportation, record-keeping, and reporting to maintain compliance.

      To establish a pharmaceutical distribution setup, you will need to obtain a Drug License.
      The license application process typically involves submitting necessary documents, such as company registration certificates, premises details, storage facilities, quality control measures, and a list of medicines to be distributed.
      Contact the PDRA or DRAP in your respective province for detailed information on the licensing process and specific requirements.

      Contracting with well-known pharmacies:
      Establishing contracts with reputed pharmacies, such as Mehmood or Clinix, can enhance the credibility and business prospects of your pharmaceutical distribution setup.
      Approach the pharmacies directly or through their designated procurement departments to express your interest in collaborating.
      Highlight your capabilities, such as a robust supply chain, adherence to quality standards, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service.
      Negotiate terms and conditions, including pricing, payment terms, order quantities, and delivery schedules, ensuring they align with your capabilities and profitability.

      It's essential to conduct thorough research, consult legal and industry experts, and seek guidance from the appropriate regulatory authorities to ensure compliance with all the necessary requirements and guidelines when establishing a pharmaceutical distribution setup in Pakistan.

  21. Aslam Alikum Sir,

    Kindly tell me if we get distribution from company, so what facilities the company will provide. And plz how we should design our warehouse layout and which necessary things should be installed in it to keep safe stock to

    1. Wa alaikum assalam,

      When you enter into a pharmaceutical distribution agreement with a company in Pakistan, the facilities and support provided can vary depending on the specific agreement and company. However, here are some common facilities and services that a pharmaceutical company may provide to its distributors:

      Product Supply: The company will supply you with the pharmaceutical products you are authorized to distribute. They will ensure regular and timely deliveries based on your agreed-upon order quantities.

      Product Training: The company may provide product training and orientation to your staff. This includes information about the products, their usage, storage requirements, handling instructions, and any specific precautions.

      Marketing and Promotional Materials: The company may offer marketing and promotional materials such as brochures, catalogs, product samples, and visual aids to support your sales efforts.

      Quality Assurance: Pharmaceutical companies typically have stringent quality assurance processes in place. They ensure that the products supplied are of high quality, compliant with regulatory standards, and have proper labeling and packaging.

      Documentation and Regulatory Support: The company may assist you with regulatory compliance by providing necessary documentation, such as product licenses, certificates of analysis, batch records, and labeling information.

      Technical Support: In case of any technical issues or product inquiries, the company may provide technical support or a dedicated customer service helpline to address your queries and concerns.

      Regarding warehouse layout and necessary installations to keep pharmaceutical stock safe, here are some considerations:

      Temperature Control: Designate areas within the warehouse for storing products that require specific temperature conditions (e.g., refrigerated or ambient). Install temperature monitoring systems to ensure proper control and avoid spoilage.

      Adequate Storage Space: Plan the layout to maximize storage capacity while allowing for easy access and movement of goods. Use racking systems, shelves, or pallets to organize the stock efficiently.

      Security Measures: Implement security systems such as CCTV cameras, access control, and alarm systems to safeguard the warehouse from theft or unauthorized access.

      Lighting: Ensure proper lighting throughout the warehouse to facilitate safe operations, inspection of goods, and reading labels or batch numbers.

      Inventory Management Systems: Install inventory management software or systems to accurately track stock levels, expiry dates, and facilitate efficient order processing and stock rotation.

      Fire Safety: Implement fire safety measures, including fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and emergency exits. Regularly inspect and maintain fire safety equipment.

      Pest Control: Take measures to prevent pests and rodents by implementing regular pest control procedures and sealing any potential entry points.

      First Aid and Emergency Supplies: Keep a well-equipped first aid kit and emergency supplies readily available in case of accidents or medical emergencies.

      Remember, it's important to comply with local regulatory guidelines and industry best practices when designing and operating a pharmaceutical warehouse. Consulting with experts in warehouse design and management can provide valuable insights tailored to your specific needs and ensure the safety and efficiency of your operations.

  22. Thank you so much. Your quick response is highly appreciable, and your provided information has perfect match to my quires, I admiring your services and happy to be in touch with you for further information. May Allah Always keep you safe.

  23. A.o.A, we are in the Retail Pharmacy Business in Islamabad, since July 2021, i have some queries regarding business, kindly if you have time to contact at my Calling Number: 03155706872

  24. i read your article about medicine business it's very good helpful for aware this field.
    thank you

    1. I am glad that it helped you, thanks for stopping by, have a nice day :)

  25. Assalam o alaikum Arshad Amin bhai ... i need some serious help from your knowledge and experience ... can you share your whatsapp number with me ???

    Engr. Zarrar


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